Terms & Conditions


Our website address is: https://longbeachcapital.co.za.

Long Beach Capital (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS), FSP number 22265.

Long Beach Capital (Pty) Ltd (Registration no: 2004/032569/07)
Block B, Silverwood
Silverwood Lane
Steenberg Office Park
Tokai 7945
Director: David Hansford
Company Secretary: Gillian Lewis

By browsing, surfing, registering on or otherwise using the Long Beach Capital website, whether for the purposes of accessing information on Long Beach Capital or any of our financial products and/or services or otherwise, you are deemed to have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions of use, legal notices, policies and disclaimers set out below or elsewhere.

This website and all its information, material and content is owned by Long Beach Capital or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Long Beach Capital hereby authorises you to view, download, print and distribute the content of this website, but only for information, non-commercial and private purposes. Any unauthorised copying, reproduction, transmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication or exploitation of the displayed material would constitute an infringement of the protection afforded by law and is therefore prohibited in any form whatsoever.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this website, Long Beach Capital, its directors or employees provide no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or correctness of information contained in this website.

The information and content accessible through this site is provided by Long Beach Capital as general information about the company and its products and services. Long Beach Capital does not guarantee the suitability or potential value of any information or particular investment source. Any information in this website is not intended as and does not constitute financial, tax, legal, investment, or other advice. Nothing contained in any service or any other content on our website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by Long Beach Capital, but shall merely be deemed to be an invitation to do business. In no event will Long Beach Capital be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this website or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

No warranty, whether express or implied, is given that any files, downloads or applications available via this website are free of viruses, trojans, bombs, time-locks or any other data or code which has the ability to corrupt or affect the operation of your computer, database, network or other information system. <br>


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The contents of this email and any accompanying documentation are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege and client confidentiality. Any use thereof, in whatever form, by anyone other than the addressee is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or facsimile, kindly notify the sender by return email, facsimile or telephone, as well as deleting it from your system. You may not copy this email or disclose its contents to any other person, without our express written consent.

The content of this email and any accompanying documentation relating to Long Beach Capital are owned by Long Beach Capital and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

By communicating with us through electronic means, you consent to receiving communications electronically and agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and all other communications transmitted by electronic means satisfy any legal requirement, including but not limited to the requirement that such communication should be in writing. Unless otherwise agreed, we are only deemed to have received an email once we have confirmed receipt thereof; and we are only deemed to have sent an email once reflected as ‘sent’ on our email server.

Long Beach Capital shall not be liable if any variation is affected to any document or correspondence emailed unless the variation has been approved by the sender thereof. Long Beach Capital cannot be held liable for any harm or loss resulting from viruses in this message or attachments, including data corruption resulting therefrom. Long Beach Capital therefore disclaims liability or legal responsibility for the non-delivery or incorrect delivery for whatever reason of the contents of this message, its effect on electronic devices or its transmission in an unencrypted medium.

Long Beach Capital is not able to distinguish between business and personal emails. Users who make use of Long Beach Capital’s email system do so at their own risk and accept responsibility for any actions or consequences that arise from such personal use. Any views or opinions expressed in such messages are those of the individual sender and do not create obligations on or represent any commitment by Long Beach Capital, except where the sender specifically states it to be the views or opinions of Long Beach Capital. If this message contains offensive, derogatory or defamatory statements or materials, it means the message has been sent outside the sender’s scope of employment with Long Beach Capital and only the sender can be held liable in his/her personal capacity.

Users who make use of Long Beach Capital’s email system do so at their own risk and accept responsibility for any actions and consequences that arise from use. In general terms, Long Beach Capital does not engage in blanket monitoring of communications. Long Beach Capital does however reserve the right at any time and without notice to intercept and monitor communications and stored files sent or received over or stored on Long Beach Capital’s information and communications systems, provided that such monitoring and interception is: performed by an Long Beach Capital representative properly authorised by Long Beach Capital; for a lawful purposes; and strictly in accordance with Long Beach Capital’s Monitoring Policy and Procedures.

Nothing contained in this email constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by Long Beach Capital, but shall merely be deemed to be an invitation to do business.

This email and any accompanying documentation are to be interpreted and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.


Long Beach Capital acknowledges and respects your right to privacy and is committed to keeping your information confidential.

In general, you can visit our website without having to divulge any personal information about yourself. However, while using this website you may provide information about yourself or it may be collected by us. You may update personal information at any time by e-mailing Long Beach Capital. You may also view your personal information that we hold and correct it if necessary on written request to Long Beach Capital. Access to your personal information held by Long Beach Capital may also be requested by yourself or third parties. The Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000 regulates and sets out the procedure for such a request and under what circumstances such access may be refused.

Personal information is used as is necessary and appropriate in the normal course of business to provide the products and services you have requested. We may retain any information for purposes of investment transaction processing and administration, to monitor our site or to communicate directly with you.

All personal information supplied to Long Beach Capital or collected by us is kept strictly confidential and will not be given or sold to any third parties. Long Beach Capital will disclose or report personal information if and when required to do so by law or any regulatory authority, and to our employees, or agents who require such information to carry out their duties.

We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, including the use of encryption technology. We can however not guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us electronically and you do so at your own risk.

By visiting this website or communicating with us by electronic means, you consent to receiving communications electronically and agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and all other communications transmitted by electronic means satisfies any legal requirement, including but not limited to the requirement that such communication should be “in writing”.


By accessing the information and materials made available by Long Beach Capital on this website, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions, which may change from time to time. The information contained on this website relates to the products and services offered by Long Beach Capital, its associates and its subsidiaries, which is provided in an objective manner and is not intended to constitute a recommendation, guidance or proposal with regards to the suitability of any product in respect of any financial need you may have. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this website, Long Beach Capital and its directors, officers and employees provide no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or correctness of information contained herein.

Information contained on the website is updated on a regular basis. However, due to its nature, the information may become outdated. Users are therefore cautioned to independently verify the correctness of information contained on the website. Long Beach Capital accepts no liability of any sort resulting from reliance being placed upon outdated information contained on the website by any user or other person.

There is no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the information or any aspect of this service. Any warranty implied by law is hereby excluded except to the extent such exclusion would be unlawful.




Collective Investment Schemes in Securities (CIS) should be considered as medium to long-term investments. The value may go up as well as down and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. CISs are traded at the ruling price and can engage in scrip lending and borrowing. A schedule of fees, charges and maximum commissions is available on request from the Manager. A CIS may be closed to new investors in order for it to be managed more efficiently in accordance with its mandate. Performance has been calculated using net NAV to NAV numbers with income reinvested. There is no guarantee in respect of capital or returns in a portfolio. Prescient Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd is registered and approved under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (No.45 of 2002). For any additional information such as fund prices, fees, brochures, minimum disclosure documents and application forms please go to www.prescient.co.za.